Year: Summer 2018
Type: Competition
Location: Los Angeles, California
Captain: Troy Marasigan
Design Lead:  Johan Cheah
Finances: Daniel Duffy
Logistics: Jason Xu
Support: Autusa Behroozi, Albert Coleman, Maddey Collins, Devin Diep, Fabien Herrera, Grace Ito, Colleen Jones, Alexander Ko, Elton Nyugen, Nathan Ramirez
Consulting: Dr. Patricia Clayton

Recognition: 6th Proposal, 7th Seismic Cost, 9th Communication, 9th Architecture

This project was an entrant for the 2018 EERI Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition, featuring 40 universities around the world. Towers are judged based on proposal, presentation, architecture, and seismic performance. A balsa wood model is tested with a shake table that simulates an earthquake. I was the lead designer of a small team that represented The University of Texas at Austin. 

In order to take advantage of the breathtaking views of downtown Los Angeles, two corners of the structure are completely removed. To compensate for this bold move, the structure consists of shear walls and diagonal members which will brace and transfer lateral seismic loads in this earthquake prone area. In the spirit of a structural design competition, the structure itself is the architecture. The diagonal members form the web like facade, providing an eccentric addition to the Hollywood skyline.

After3 w: arrows.png
ground motion 1

ground motion 1

ground motion 2

ground motion 2


Using a digital model in SAP 2000, a structural analysis program, we are able to create quantitative predictions of our building. The program is able to simulate seismic activity and calculate the resulting acceleration and displacement at each joint of the building. 

The balsa model was constructed floor by floor with the assistance of laser cutting technology. Assembly was by hand over the course of a five days. 

Construction diagram

Construction diagram

View the shake table and Los Angeles experience from the team below